A pathway to Peace

Since 1983

At Yoga Now, we understand that life can be overwhelming at times

We know making space for Yoga can feel like yet another thing on a to-do list, so we make it easy — come as you are, wear comfortable clothing, do what feels aligned in this moment.

Yoga encourages self study, self awareness and self love as keys to finding a pathway to peace.

We provide a holistic approach to Yoga, with ancient practices that offer the foundation of ethics (Yama and Niyama), gentle embodied movements, breathing exploration, focused visualization, meditation, and conscious compassionate action.

We offer practices and tips from Yoga’s sister science, Ayurveda, to help you live a harmonized, healthy and peaceful life.

We welcome you to our classes. We welcome you back to yourself.

You belong here.

Reset by remembering and reconnecting with
who you are. ”

Susi Amendola, Director and Founder