Yoga and Meditation for
Employee Health

A survey from Indeed indicates more than 50% of our current workforce report feelings of burnout.

When a large number of your employees experience burnout, the organization suffers.

Morale goes down, productivity diminishes and each day can feel like a losing battle.

So what can your organization do to support your employees in the workplace, while minimizing and preventing further burnout? You can provide access to Yoga and Meditation to your employees.

Benefits of Yoga and Meditation in the workplace include improved clarity and focus by boosting cognitive function, reduced stress and anxiety, positive relationship growth, and managing challenges with equanimity. Yoga and Meditation have scientifically been proven as an effective tool in preventing burnout and promoting wellness.

Give your employees the opportunity to pause and take a conscious, unapologetic break by bringing Yoga and Meditation into your organization.

This offers them an opportunity to calm their nervous systems, reset their bodies and minds, and better prepare for the responsibilities of their work.

It also shows your employees that you recognize the stress they experience and value their well being.

We offer inservice workshops,

Weekly / Monthly / Quarterly

Classes, and retreat sessions

Yoga Now focuses on regulation, relaxation, focus, and meditation rather than poses.

Employee Health Yoga includes easeful movement, breathing practices, and mindfulness through meditation rather than a physical “workout”.

With that in mind, these gentle practices don’t require a change of clothes, which is advantageous within the workplace!

Offering Yoga and Meditation for your employees brings mental health support and stress relief to the heart-centered humans that give so much to your organization.

Do you want to Improve Your Employees’ Health?

We can tailor a Yoga and Meditation session to meet your employees exactly where they are.
Fill out the form below and we will contact you with details!